
Russo-Ukrainian Battle: What NATO needs to be taught!

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Russo-Ukrainian Conflict: What NATO needs to study!
Study , Russo-Ukrainian Battle: What NATO needs to study! , , 6NZQMUclv5g , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NZQMUclv5g , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6NZQMUclv5g/hqdefault.jpg , 94159 , 5.00 , Why does the Russian Air Pressure (read: Aerospace Drive VKS) not fly extra strikes? Why are 'drones' like Bayraktar not as efficient ... , 1657821703 , 2022-07-14 20:01:43 , 00:30:34 , UCmpahmxWXajV0-tuMMzSzAg , Navy Aviation Historical past , 4774 , , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=6NZQMUclv5g , [ad_2] , [ad_1] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NZQMUclv5g, #RussoUkrainian #Warfare #NATO #learn [publish_date]
#RussoUkrainian #Battle #NATO #learn
Why does the Russian Air Pressure (read: Aerospace Pressure VKS) not fly extra strikes? Why are 'drones' like Bayraktar not as efficient ...
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  • Mehr zu learn Learning is the physical entity of acquiring new understanding, noesis, behaviors, trade, values, attitudes, and preferences.[1] The inability to learn is berserk by human, animals, and some machinery; there is also show for some kinda encyclopedism in indisputable plants.[2] Some encyclopaedism is fast, evoked by a respective event (e.g. being hardened by a hot stove), but much skill and noesis put in from continual experiences.[3] The changes spontaneous by eruditeness often last a lifetime, and it is hard to differentiate knowledgeable matter that seems to be "lost" from that which cannot be retrieved.[4] Human encyclopedism launch at birth (it might even start before[5] in terms of an embryo's need for both action with, and immunity inside its environs inside the womb.[6]) and continues until death as a outcome of ongoing interactions 'tween fans and their situation. The nature and processes involved in eruditeness are designed in many constituted comic (including informative science, psychophysiology, psychological science, cognitive sciences, and pedagogy), too as nascent william Claude Dukenfield of knowledge (e.g. with a distributed kindle in the topic of learning from guard events such as incidents/accidents,[7] or in cooperative learning health systems[8]). Look into in such william Claude Dukenfield has led to the identification of various sorts of eruditeness. For example, eruditeness may occur as a consequence of physiological state, or conditioning, operant conditioning or as a issue of more interwoven activities such as play, seen only in relatively natural animals.[9][10] Education may occur unconsciously or without cognizant awareness. Education that an aversive event can't be avoided or at large may effect in a condition known as conditioned helplessness.[11] There is info for human behavioral learning prenatally, in which physiological state has been observed as early as 32 weeks into biological time, indicating that the central queasy organisation is sufficiently formed and set for encyclopaedism and faculty to occur very early on in development.[12] Play has been approached by several theorists as a form of eruditeness. Children research with the world, learn the rules, and learn to act through and through play. Lev Vygotsky agrees that play is pivotal for children's development, since they make pregnant of their environs through action acquisition games. For Vygotsky, notwithstanding, play is the first form of encyclopedism nomenclature and communication, and the stage where a child begins to read rules and symbols.[13] This has led to a view that education in organisms is forever related to semiosis,[14] and often related to with naturalistic systems/activity.

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31 thoughts on “

  1. Drones are less effective now that over 1500 tanks and over 3000 APC's have been destroyed.

    Once the russians are out of command centers and ammo dumps within 70k of the border, then the HIMAR's will be "useless".

  2. Might be nice if NATO didn't play dumb with the coup and historical situation between western and eastern Ukraine to create a war rather than seeking a security arrangement that would work for all. A large segment of the world's population isn't buying the narrative that this is only a problem caused by Russia. It's as if the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 is forgotten, and you want to add hyper-sonic missiles to the mix? The moral high ground in this conflict may also be based on paper instead of reality without an honest historical review of all the parties involved.

  3. I thank your guest for his inputs. It’s especially interesting to understand how these big drones are not combat survivable. Space and low level specialized satellites? I doubt seriously that over the next even 5 years that the USA will invest or be able to invest in overwhelming numbers. Manpower is another issue. Investing in a much higher manpower level makes the most sense. United States should be training at least half a million troops a year. A full 10% need to be foreign nationals so we have friends to work with around the world.

  4. Drones need to be very small, the size of a very small bird or the size of an insect AND there needs to be millions of them shrouding an entire country battle field in a matrix where each one knows where to be relative to the whole & it's immediate neighbors.

    Their communication with each other and it's overall Command Structure must be camouflaged by background radiation.

    Powered by the Ether or earth rotation!

    Sole job is to relay hostile target 'location coordinates' such as enemy concentrations & movements for command artillery situated within the dimensions of water, ground, space & air!

  5. US shows their military capabilities in fighting with rebels and insurgencies in middle East but Russia is fighting with former Soviet satilite state who have their own defence industries along with US, collective Europe and NATOs support. That's why we don't see the kinds of war we show previously.

  6. Oryx can only account for visually identified losses. This is certainly a significantly lower number than reality. Russia has no reason to publish confirmed losses in their held territory. Some losses will simply not be identifiable or will occur in places people are unlikely to find. Aircraft on the ground may be lost and quickly removed. Most losses come from artillery and most artillery lands behind enemy lines.

  7. What happened to all the Soviet heavy weapons that you craine inherited from the Soviet Union I know what happened to the nuclear weapons what happened to all the su-27s what happened to all the mid-29s what happened to all the hind helicopters what happened to all the t72 tanks and the old t64s in the mobile artillery what happened to the Navy

  8. Some bias bullshitbut there was trace of some facts.. actualy us didnt Had this kind of Strong enemy like ukraina..in most conflicts NATO was actualy terrible..a lot of civilians dead..so if you count 1:1 soldier ratio ect and fixing on military..i think Russia Is doing amazing Job..

  9. The Oryx source is total garbage that falls apart after the second search. It's a propaganda op, totally irrelevant and dishonest and obviously so. Anyone who references Oryx should be laughed out of their job, and we know their job is not serious and is total MIC gifting.

  10. its always the fault of the woke worthless west!
    since yeah ever western countries poke their nose in things that dont belong them, no wonder everyone hates them!
    im austrian🇦🇹 and fully support SMO Z!🔥🔥🔥
    SLAVA RUSSIA Z!🤍💙❤️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  11. I just wanted to verly low-voicily point out that there is no true "stealth" cause I know entities who have very efficiently tracked F-35 jets during ILA and other occasions without even an access to some sort of RADAR
    So… Maybe there is a point in saving money there…

  12. As American, I am its I was pulled when there was this buildup on Russia and Putin said that they were just doing training exercises at the Ukraine border then he said he wasn't going to invade despite is a warnings from the CIA. Of course this makes the Biden Administration and NATO new look credible but it was inevitable they knew it. Putin never said she was going to inevitable if they can't come to an agreement and the Biden pentagon had no intentions to do so, you all got fooled by Western media saying Putin was a liar for saying he wasn't going to invade… he aways said he will not invade if USA,/NATO will starts to reduce their their Globalist Military expansionism in Ukraine and stop waging war and violating the Minsks Agreement by continuing to shell Donbass Russian separatists whos clearly been in a horrific abusive relationship with Ukraine since 2014 and democratically voted to join Russia Like Crimea.. but Putin remained patient for a decade

  13. Reminds me of what the German soldiers on the Eastern front called themselves, 'front pigs' or 'war pigs'. There is a ghoulish nature in studying war. Soldiers generally don't like to talk about it if they have seen unnerving or violent destruction. I hit the like button, but I won't subscribe.

  14. You lost me at "Poor Performance of VKS"

    Compared to what?

    Russia is flying more sorties in a day than NATO is capable of flying in a Month and fighting a peer opponent with the same base military technology and doctrine and whose IADS remains intact and capable of contesting the airspace. They aren't fighting a third world militia and Ukraine isn't going to sit back and let its Air Defenses be destroyed and is actively working to protect them by constantly moving them around to complicate SEAD strikes.

    You idiots have no clue what you are talking about.

    This video is a perfect example of 'believing ones own propaganda'. The Russias did achieve air superiority, and have NEVER lost it. Zelensky was BEGGING for NATO jets to shoot it out with Russian aircraft, and SAMs. Russia is clearly winning the war the way they want it won…….not fighting the way NATO lost Syria, Iraq & Afghanistan.

  16. Smaller, longer range, Kamikaze drones will rule all future battlefields.

    Not the really small ones, but the Switchblade 600 size. Unless new countermeasures are found, those will end warfare as we know it.

  17. Justin is a great analyst, he doesn't sugar coat any of his statements, and he speaks from a place of research and confidence. He is not wishy-washy on his conclusions which is refreshing.

  18. Very informative, brings home that we in the West need to provide much more support to Ukraine both in provision of modern weapons and training.
    If this conflict is lost by Ukraine than it is only a matter of time before Russia moves on another country, maybe even a NATO country like Poland or Lithuania. Putin see's the West and NATO as being afraid to become substantially involved and from where I sit it looks very much that way.

  19. Joe Biden didn’t do enough to stop the invasion . His plan just to expose to Putin’s plan didn’t stop invasion. He should done no fly zone or least military advisors and break the blockade . Putin is bluffing with his nukes. We shouldn’t let blackmail affect America . Joe Biden is the problem .joe Biden not giving enough weapons Joe Biden needs give them better weapons to fhelo them win . Joe Biden keeps giving them weapons they don’t need

  20. Just want to make a small correction: it’s not true that the Russians lost no helicopters on the way in to Hostomel. Two escorting helicopters were shot down over the Kyiv Reservoir, one Mi-24P and one Mi-35M.

  21. In three words – build more stuff.

    Our stockpiles and production capacity for basic materiel are inadequate. F-35s are nice but we need 155mm and 5.56mm.

  22. oryx database is majorily flawed especially in a range of aviation – a shitload of drones is missing, drones which has serial numbers and photosvideos and they are not in the database. Same with at least 6 russian war jets shot down on video but falling on russian controlled territory. And more then 7 helicopters. And oryx does not put them too. Same with confirmed raptor cutters destroyed. Yes it is one of the best – but it missing a LOT

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